
Pobre Diablo‘ is an eight-episode, twenty-minute adult animated series created and written by Miguel Esteban, Joaquín Reyes and Ernesto Sevilla, co-written by Helena Pozuelo and directed by Miguel Stephen. ‘Pobre Diablo‘ is the first animated series commissioned by HBO Max in Spain and is produced by Buendía Estudios.

Stan, he’s a normal kid except for the fact that he’s the Antichrist . Also, he just turned 665 months. There is one month left until the prophecy is fulfilled and he has to fulfill his destiny: plunge humanity into horror and chaos, and bring about Armageddon. But he is more interested in singing and dancing in a musical from Broadway.

Joaquín Reyes plays Stan, the protagonist of ‘Pobre Diablo’, and Ernesto Sevilla gets into the role of Mefisto, a hedonistic demonic cat and playboy addicted to whatever drug and whose job it is to buy souls, who is also Stan’s godfather. The voice cast is completed by, among others, Ignatius Farray, as Satan; Gakian, as Samael, a demon specialized in possessions, and Verónica Forqué as Rose.

Miguel Salvat and Antonio Trashorras are the executive producers for HBO Max. Ignacio Corrales, David Troncoso and Sonia Martínez, are producers executives by Buendía Estudios.

The animation works of the eight episodes of the series are carried out by the Granada studio Rockyn Animation.