
Reinas al Rescate’ is the new format in ATRESplayer PREMIUM, produced by Buendía Estudios, in which Pupi Poisson, Sharonne and Estrella Xtravaganza, guided by Supremme de Luxe, will visit several towns of Spain to bring visibility to LGTBIQ+ stories and show the reality of the collective outside the big cities.

In this road trip, the queens come to the call of several people who have asked for help: people related to the LGTBIQ + collective who need their support to convey a message of diversity to their environment: small towns in Spain. A poignant format with an important and revolutionary message behind each story.

Chapter 4: Llorenç (Cálig)

The bullying he suffered during his school and institute years and the lack of support he found at home forced him to leave his town. Now, he turns to Cálig so he can openly express his non-binary status, even if he risks further damaging his relationship with his parents. He hopes that the Queens to the Rescue will help him come to terms with his past and the place where he grew up. He will be accompanied on stage by his father Lorenzo and Salva, the first visible gay in town.