
Reinas al Rescate’ is the new format in ATRESplayer PREMIUM, produced by Buendía Estudios, in which Pupi Poisson, Sharonne and Estrella Xtravaganza, guided by Supremme de Luxe, will visit several towns of Spain to bring visibility to LGTBIQ+ stories and show the reality of the collective outside the big cities.

In this road trip, the queens come to the call of several people who have asked for help: people related to the LGTBIQ + collective who need their support to convey a message of diversity to their environment: small towns in Spain. A poignant format with an important and revolutionary message behind each story.

Chapter 2: Jordi, in Benilloba (Alicante)

Openly gay, Jordi lives happily in the small town where he has always been accepted by his environment. However, his happiness is not complete because he has not dared to confess a secret that only his mother knows: he suffers from undetectable HIV. A situation that makes him feel back in the closet and that makes it impossible for him to find a partner because everyone runs away when they find out.

He would like the queens to help him talk about his illness in his environment without that implying everybody’s rejection. He will be accompanied on stage by his mother Asun, who has always supported him, and his hetero best friend Roberto, if he is still by his side after all.