Someone decides to take their own life by jumping from the top of a building. Who was this person? Why did they do it? Could it have been prevented? This is how 'La caja de arena' (The Sandbox) begins, a series about school bullying that, over its six episodes, unravels the weeks leading up to this tragic event. It's a complex puzzle that comes together through six different perspectives, those of each of the young people involved. It's a shocking, heart-wrenching story, but one that leaves room for hope by reminding us that school bullying is everyone's concern.
"This series is essential. It was about time that Spanish fiction bet on such an incredible project, made with so much love and care, aiming to achieve a better future world".
LOS LUNES SERIÉFILOS"It's a work of fiction with the explicit purpose of serving as a vehicle for raising awareness against school bullying".