
‘Las noches de Tefía’, is the new original series by ATRESplayer PREMIUM, created by Miguel del Arco, playwright, screenwriter, stage director, actor and one of the most inclusive voices of the theatre scene in our country. The series has been shot in natural outdoor locations in Tenerife and Madrid.

The large cast of the series is formed by Marcos Ruiz (Airam/La Bambi), Patrick Criado (La Vespa), Miquel Fernández (Charli), Roberto Álamo (La Viga), Jorge Perugorría (Airam), Raúl Prieto (Boncho), Israel Errejalde (Don Anselmo), Javier Ruesga (La Sissi), Luifer Rodríguez (La Pinito), Carolina Yuste (Nisa), Jorge Usón (Conde Fénix), José Luís de Madariaga (La Vespa), José Luis García-Pérez (El Andaluz), Ana Wagener (Agueda), Celeste González (La Sissi), Jorge Yumar (Perico), Mingo Ávila (La Rata), Ciro Miró (Carlavilla), Maykol Hernández (Miguel), Isaac dos Santos (Caranabo) and Elisa Cano (Nisa), among others.

‘Las noches de Tefía’ is a production by Buendía Estudios Canarias with the participation of Atresmedia Televisión. The fiction, that will be seen exclusively in ATRESplayer PREMIUM, includes Montse García and Sonia Martínez as executive producers and Lucía Alonso-Allende as executive coproducer. Miguel del Arco and Antonio Rojano are the scriptwriters and Miguel del Arco himself together with Rómulo Aguillaume are the directors.

About ‘Las noches de Tefía’

From 1954 to 1966 there was in a desert area of Fuerteventura a Francoist concentration camp known with the euphemistic name of Colonia Agrícola Penitenciaria de Tefía (Tefía Penitentiary Agrarian Colony), one of those places where the government used to send those condemned by the Law of Vagrants and Crooks, implemented in 1954 to include homosexuals as well.

In 2004 Airam Betancor, one of those homosexual prisoners, is compelled to remember the seventeen months of forced labour that he suffered in the colony when he was barely twenty years old. The investigations of a documentary filmmaker who tries to give voice to the silent history of the penitentiary colony push Airam to do a painful memory exercise that will cause many problems in his life. The numb memory of the awful life in the colony mixes with the stories that one of his barracks comrades improvised at night to relieve their miseries. Charli, the fantastic storyteller, invented for all of them El Tindaya, a dazzling music hall where all of them had their alter ego. A space of freedom in which, as its welcome theme says, the limit of the possible bursts when imagining.